Monday, March 21, 2022

14 Years Later: Reaching Critical Mass


It's been a long time. I have so many things to say but a storm is approaching so I will have to keep this short. 

Where have I been? I feel like I have been in some sort of weird limbo. My job is going great. I survived the pandemic (fingers crossed). I have finally gotten back to writing in my physical journal so after some thought, I decided to go back to blogging too. 

Am I still dealing with clutter? Yes. I have reached, as the title suggests, critical mass. I am not yet in to Hoarders territory but I am walking along the edge of that precipice. Right now, I am working on a game plan. I have a break from working coming up thanks to construction at the library and I plan on taking time off to work on my mess. 

Good news: My niece was able to help me organize my game closet this weekend and clear some paths around the house. 

Bad news: The clutter has moved downstairs into the foyer. Between the pandemic and supply chain issues, I have been ordering a lot from Amazon and we are behind in unpacking and finding a place for some things. So many things have happened the past two years and I feel like I have just been treading water. 

So where do I go from here? I am hoping this blog will help me organize my thoughts. Journaling and blogging has always been therapeutic for me. I am also looking into getting actual therapy. I am trying to move forward and I hope you come along for the ride. 

If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments. More later!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

2 Months Later and 10 Years of Attempted Blogging

Two months later progress. Real life has been kicking me in the ass so I usually come home from work tired and then deal with whatever crisis has arisen while I was at work. At work, the Powers That Be decided to give us new flooring (Hooray!) but that meant moving about 80,000 books and other materials in addition to our offices and then putting them all back together. At home, my 88 year old father got the flu but thanks to Tamiflu, threw if off like a pro.

After my last post, I realized that I started this blog ten years ago. My battle with clutter has lasted more than 10 years but I have reached a tipping point. I have to figure out how to pull my life together. In the next few blogs, I will try to tackle how I got here, books I have read about the issues of clutter and hoarding, and what I need to do. Right now, I need to get some sleep.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Two Years Later

It has been two years since I posted in this blog. A lot of things have changed over the past two years. I completed my Masters in Library and Information Science in August 2016. In October of 2016, I was promoted and became the first Young Adult Services Librarian at my branch, a job that I had been doing as an untitled paraprofessional for 11 years. I went from Circulation Assistant to full blown librarian and it has been wonderful.

Personally, I have embraced Kpop fandom and found several new friends through it. I am still friends with all my Buffy friends but that fandom has been less active as the years pass.

What hasn't changed in two years has been my battle with clutter. It gets worse and then gets better. My energy for cleaning and organizing waxes and wanes. I am not getting any younger and I realize that I have to make a change. My parents are getting older and I spend more time attending to their needs which means less time for myself. I reached a tipping point and I have to make myself do something. So I am reviving this blog and maybe it will keep me accountable. I have thought about doing some YouTube videos but first, I have to make some progress.

I cleaned out a purse today that has been sitting dormant in a corner since 2015 when I changed purses to go to TLA in Austin (where I promptly broke my ankle on the first day of the conference). I found this fortune in the purse along with .11 cents and the keys to my two storage units. It says "Delay is the deadliest form of denial." Maybe the universe is telling me something...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Desk is Clear!

So, it took a week full of procrastination, two bags of garbage, and two cans of recycling, but my desk is finally clear for the first time in a year. I can write and work on my schedule! I don't have to close my laptop to have a bare surface.

The oldest thing I found in my piles of stuff was a coupon from 2013. I also found some old  2014 Christmas cards, more expired coupons, catalogs galore, and lots of actionable items. I have a small box with a handful of things to file and a shopping basket from my old store (pictured below) with actionable items.

Sorting out the actionable items is my next job. I am thinking about using the Sunday Basket method espoused by Lisa Woodruff. I need to read more about it but it seems workable. Any suggestions, great brain? 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Tackling the Desk

I am not a New Year's person. I don't make resolutions. I don't do the "New Year, New You" thing. I have goals and I reevaluate them every so often but I always look at the January 1st like an odometer turning over. It's amusing but really doesn't have that much of an impact on my life. That is why I hesitated to post this the first few weeks of the year. I was motivated more by time off than the odometer turning over to 2016.

So this is my desk after several hours worth of work and one trip downstairs with a trash can full of recycling. After I post this, I will make another trip downstairs for the same reason. I wish I had taken a picture because it had reached critical mass. The pile to the left of my laptop was almost level with the top of the laptop and the pile on the other side above the printer which is still buried in stuff. I have a few more hours worth of work but I want to get it cleared off tonight. I will still have filing to do and I need to set up my actionable file but I will at least have a work surface by the end of the night.

Why I am doing this? I just can't take it any more. I am tired of being buried in stuff. I am taking three classes next semester in graduate school and I need to be organized. This past semester was a constant struggle since I was always digging stuff out of the pile on my desk. Of course, the desk is just the beginning but you have to start somewhere and this is where I need to start. Now back to work!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Take the Challenge With Me!

After reading this article, I've decided to take the 30-Day Declutter challenge. I start graduate school in  few weeks and I need to complete the job that the wonderful Mina Pahel from Cloudburst Creative Consulting started back in February (more about that later).

So the decluttering starts tomorrow. Who will join me?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Year, New Progress

Yes, it's an actual post. I have new photos to share here! I spent the weekend of January 10th working with my niece, Hillary. We managed to get my bedroom completely clear. I can see the floor! I still have some work to do on the bedroom closet and I'm tackling it this weekend.

Lots of books mention having a "clutter buddy" to help you clean and sort. Hillary is the perfect clutter buddy. She is not judgmental. She is patient. She helps me think through sorting projects when I get stuck. She is also a great motivator. When I get too tired to tackle one more box, she manages to come up with a fun way to finish my project.

I have a little bit more to complete before I can check off "bedroom" on my list of completed rooms but I am moving forward, not backward.